How to Empower Coaching Clients

You can empower coaching clients by teaching them to own it. This is the new principle that I introduced as part of the client contracting process on my Coach Training with NLP, TA and Mindfulness course, which I am now teaching online. The principle was for participants to notice ...

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NLP Coaching for Life Transition

In this blog, I will cover a theme that stays pretty constant for coaches : how to help a client during a significant period of life transition. To misquote Shakespeare (in Twelfth Night) — some are born to cope with change, some become able to cope with change and some have change ...

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Coaching for Inner Peace

Can coaches help clients find inner peace? Often coaches are presented with a succession of issues that trouble their client – at work, at home; the list seems to be endless. It’s easy for both coach and client to start believing that there is an underlying ‘big issue’ driving ...

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Do You Need to Be Liked as a Coach?

I’ve just completed our 3 day How to Coach with NLP, TA and Mindfulness course, during which some interesting discussions took place about using coaching skills in the workplace. One topic that came up was the question of coaches wanting to be liked. Isn’t that an essential part of ...

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How I Became an NLP Coach

As an expert NLP trainer, there’s one question that I’m often asked: “How do you become an NLP coach?” To which I say, everyone’s journey is different. But here’s my story I started out on a journey of personal discovery after finding myself stressed by running a business. This ...

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