“I can honestly say this programme was completely transformational to my work and to my practice especially in how I now prepare for client work – both my coaching and supervision client work – the course has been a thoroughly wonderful experience from start to finish”

- Independent Coach

It’s given me resources to deal with important (& non important) communication issues. I feel more confident about myself and my abilities and place in the world. I have tools to help with stress, to keep me calm, and put things in perspective.

- Vanessa Ashton, Regional Development Manager, WaterAid

The learning is assimilating into my everyday consciousness. Recently, half way through a conversation which could have degenerated into an argument I actively used NLP tools to help the conversation continue in a relaxed manner while the issues were aired.

This training will help in all aspects of my life – in fact it already has! It has helped in the relationship with my husband, children and other family and they have noticed a positive difference in me.

- Alice Scales

I welcome change, now, and feel more alive and up for any challenges. Thank you!

- Ali Bukhari

The training has shed light on, and enabled me to reassess habits and patterns of behaviour.

- Aidan Hawkes, writer

It will help me to move forward, understand myself more, and has given me techniques for a more positive, confident lifestyle.

- James Foot

Absolutely loved the training last week – I learnt skills to use in all walks of life with any age group – so positive for anybody. It also gave me real skills which will help me in the future with my career change.

- Heitor Fox

The training gave me great tools, models and processes to enhance my skill-set in a professional environment. Really well presented by a friendly and engaging trainer.

- Ralf Osswald, Centre for Business Knowledge, Ernst & Young LLP

I learnt a lot about how best to communicate with others – but also how to communicate with myself, too, in terms recognising my limiting beliefs and the language I use when thinking about my future. Very much appreciate this – thank you.

- Researcher