See Reetta Vanhanen in London by checking in HERE.

Reetta Vanhanen: Guest Trainer at NLP School

I believe that all of us want to be loved and to love. We are all worthy of love. This human need is the foundation of my work using a variety of tools and methods including NLP.

My mission is to create a world where people will be seen, heard, understood, and loved, as their own true self.

Reetta Vanhanen

Reetta is a Senior NLP Master Trainer and Coach and an Advanced Practitioner of Generative Change.

Since 2000 Reetta has inspired thousands of people on her public NLP Trainings.

The foundation of Reetta’s work is the belief that all of us want to be loved and to love. We are all worthy of love and Reetta uses a variety of tools and methods, including NLP to sponsor and support this essential need.

Reetta provides NLP Training, Coaching and Lectures. She also provides life guidance, and sessions on NLP and Yoga.

The renowned NLP developer, trainer and coach, and fellow Guest Trainer at NLP School, Robert Dilts, says: “It’s easy to see and sense the deep vision and mission that is within Reetta. I acknowledge and support Reetta as an excellent Master Trainer”.

Find out more about Reetta on her website HERE.

If you would like to see Reetta in person, check in on our NLP School Events Page for more information, or email us at [email protected].