Judith DeLozier obviously lives, breathes and practises what she teaches

The Global Association of NLP

“Judy brings a delightful light touch to the sometimes earnest world of NLP and allows all of us to find our dancer within.”


Judith DeLozier is one of the original co-developers of NLP. She has made fundamental contributions to the field and developed many of the NLP models and processes that we use today.

For 30 years, Judith has taught and worked with NLP across the world. Judith is well-known for using NLP to help people become the most congruent versions of themselves. She also champions the use of NLP to promote community and trans-cultural skills.

Judith developed the Somatic Syntax system. This process combines NLP with movement and bodywork to release emotions and states from the body.

Somatic Syntax helps you become more attuned with your mind-body connection, and to understand how your gestures, movements and postures affect your mind.

See Judith in action below, where she discusses her own NLP journey.

Or you can read one of her books:

Find out more about Judith HERE